Best 20+ New Beautiful Good Morning Images

Friends, today’s post is going to be very special, I am your friend Vikas Yadav. So welcome to our website So today we are going to share with you – New Beautiful Good Morning Images, Good Morning Images, Beautiful Good Morning Images.


Best 20+ New Beautiful Good Morning Images


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King Noah ruled over a city. He had a lovely princess. Charlotte. The king loved his daughter very much. One day he was roaming in the garden of his palace. Just then he saw a bird. When the king went near that bird, he saw that it was shining like gold.

King: Hey, what kind of bird is this? I have never seen such a bird before.

Bird: King, I am a golden bird.

Hearing this, the king started thinking that the golden bird was talking in human voice.

King: Hey bird, how are you talking in human voice?

Bird: I have come from behind the distant mountain. All the golden birds like me live there. I came here flying. I’m tired now. I will rest for some time and leave.

King: Wait bird, can you stay in my palace? My daughter will be very happy to see you.

Bird: Okay but I have a condition. I will stay here as long as I feel like. You will let me go when I want to go.

The king agrees. He places the golden bird on his finger and gives it to his daughter Charlotte. Charlotte is very happy to see him.

Charlotte starts keeping that bird very lovingly. Both of them kept talking for a long time. A few days passed like this.

One day the bird was crying.

Charlotte: What happened Queen Bird, why are you crying?

Bird: I am missing my family, now I want to go.

Hearing this Charlotte went to her father and told him the whole thing.

Charlotte: Dad stop it, I can’t live without it.

The king was impressed by his daughter’s words. He asked the bird to stop but she did not agree. He reminded the king of his promise.

King: I can do anything for my daughter’s happiness. If you don’t stop willingly, I will imprison you in a cage.

Bird: You had promised, now you are going back on your word, now I can’t stay here even for a moment.

The bird flew away and the king could not catch it.

Seeing this Charlotte fainted. doctor was called. Charlotte regained consciousness with great difficulty. But she was neither talking to anyone nor eating anything. Seeing this the king became very upset. He announced in the entire kingdom that whoever brings the golden bird. He will be given a lot of rewards.

Hearing the announcement, many people tried to go behind that hill but no one could reach there.

Here Charlotte’s condition was worsening.

One day at night the king was standing near the window of his palace and crying.

King: I wish I had not given that bird to my daughter. If only I had not tried to capture that bird, it would have stayed.

After some time he saw the same bird sitting on the window.

Bird: Why did the king not be able to bring me even with all his might?

King: Bird Queen, forgive me, save my daughter.

The bird flies and reaches Charlotte.

Charlotte is very happy to see the bird.

The bird starts staying there for a few days. When Charlotte fully recovers. So the bird asks to go.

Bird: Charlotte Let me go, my family will be waiting for me. I will come when you remember me

Charlotte agrees.

King: I can never forget your kindness.

Bird: Remember one thing, never underestimate anyone.

Saying this the bird flies away. After this, whenever Charlotte remembered her, she came.


Final Word

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